8 Benefits of Aerobics and Why It’s Still Popular

water aerobics for healthy heart
6. Clothing and Aerobics

The ideal type of workout clothing for aerobics has been a point of contention for many. People often fail to realize that without special footwear, the workout may place undue stress on particular muscles, especially the lower back and the upper thighs. This can result in muscle pulls and/or slipped discs. The generally accepted workout clothes should be fitted close to the body for streamlined movement (yet decent, so as not to make other participants uncomfortable). Items to avoid include very short shorts and low-cut tops for women. The fabric of the workout clothes should be light and sweat-absorbent, as well as soft on the skin to prevent chafing.

7. Food, Water and Aerobics

Food and water intake prior to the workout should be kept at a minimum. Meals should be ingested about an hour and a half beforehand to allow time for it to be digested to release energy. The alternative would be to take a small portion of a high-energy snack, such as a banana or a mixed salad. Water, on the other hand, should be consumed after the workout. Failure to do so can lead to light-headedness and even fainting. Six to eight glasses of water taken periodically after the workout will replenish the water lost from sweat.

8. Aerobics and Lifestyle

The excuse most people would give in order to justify the lack of exercise in their lifestyles is that gym memberships are expensive, and are a luxury of the wealthy. This is generally not true, since there are low-cost gyms available all over the country. Eventually the benefits accrued from aerobics are worth the money put into the effort. The other option would be for one to buy workout videos and exercise in the comfort of his or her own home. This is considerably cost-effective, although the lack of direct instructor participation might mean that a person will not properly exercise the target muscles.

A lot can be said in favor of aerobics – it strengthens the heart, increases high-density lipo-proteins (good cholesterol), accelerates weight loss, improves brain activity and reduces stress, among many other benefits. It is, however, up to an individual to incorporate it into his/her lifestyle in order to achieve these benefits. One thing is for sure – exercise, and especially aerobics, is worth investing in.

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