There is no scientific doubt whatsoever that sleep is crucial for our health. We spend one-third of our lives sleeping and one way or another, there is no escape from it – we simply can not function without it. Therefore, it is important to pay close attention that we do not deprive our bodies and minds of it and the quality of the sleep that we get is good enough.
There is no scientific doubt whatsoever that sleep is crucial for our health. We spend one-third of our lives sleeping and one way or another, there is no escape from it – we simply can not function without it. Therefore, it is important to pay close attention that we do not deprive our bodies and minds of it and the quality of the sleep that we get is good enough.
The quality of sleep affects the quality of our waking hours, that is, on how our body will rest at night depends on how it will operate during the day. Proper sleep will make your brain work better, perform better at work or school, rest and grow your muscles and reduce stress.
16 rules of healthy sleep
We collected 16 crucial rules of sleeping well and put them below for you. If you have a problem sleeping, can’t get comfortable in the bed, waking up in the middle of the night or can’t fall asleep once you go to bed, follow these rules and you will have an easier time to falling and staying asleep.
- Do not take a cold shower before going to bed, leave the procedure for the morning. In the evening it is best to take a warm bath or shower.
- For a quick and peaceful sleep, you can read books or listen to slow music on low volume, nature sounds, lullabies, etc.
- Do not forget to ventilate the room before going to sleep.
- Turn off the light in the sleeping room, otherwise, sleep is likely to be superficial, which won’t give your body enough rest and recovery.
- Scientists recommend positioning the bed towards north or east.
- Being naked gives you the best sleep and in the case of feeling cold just use an extra blanket.
- For enough rest of the organism sleep for four full sleep cycles.
- The bed should be smooth, not too soft and not too hard.
- It’s better to sleep on your left and right side. Experts do not recommend sleeping on a stomach.
- In the morning, to remain a good mood, do not lie too in bed for long after waking up. Stretch, smile and get up. Do this slowly and full of pleasure.
- Try to go to bed and wake up at the same time, regardless of the day of the week.
- Do not oversleep. Try to find out how much sleep is enough for you to function well and do not sleep more than that. Sleeping too much can be problematic as it will disturb your regular schedule.
- You should not eat the food right before bedtime. A couple of hours before bedtime you can eat light food, such as vegetables, fruits or a small amount of milk products.
- You should not drink alcohol or drinks that contain caffeine before going to bed. Chamomile tea, mint or warm milk with honey before bedtime will benefit your body and help you fall asleep faster and easier.
- Walking outside in fresh air for a bit before sleeping will help you fall asleep pleasantly.
- Before going to bed, do not think about the problems and experiences that you have to deal with during the day. And in the evening it is best to help the body relax and rest to help recover during the night. If possible relax your muscles and think about something pleasant.
Follow these rules and make sure you get the proper amount of sleep every night to have a healthy body and mind.