7 Tips on Dealing With a Problem Roommate

how to deal with an unfriendly roommate
5. Communication Is Key

Regardless of what bothers you about your roommate, it is crucial to discuss it and try solving it in a friendly, polite and civilized manner. Whether your roommate makes noise when you’re trying to do your homework or snores and keeps you up at night, make sure to inform him or her and to try to find a mutually beneficial solution to the problem. Remember to keep calm and be polite – in the end, you know what they say, ‘you catch more flies with honey than with vinegar.’ Always be flexible and willing to make a compromise, if that is what it takes to make life easier for both of you.

6. Talk to Your Resident Assistant

If you’ve tried everything – from setting rules to making a compromise to open discussions – yet nothing seems to work and your roommate is still getting on your nerves, another option is talking to your resident assistant if you live in a dormitory. The RA can help you reach an agreement or find a new roommate, if that is the ultimate solution. However, it is a matter of common sense and courtesy to not contact the RA before having a ‘grown-up talk’ with your roommate first.

7. Move!

If you or your RA cannot come up with a viable solution or find a replacement for your current roommate, then the last resort is to simply move out of the room. Sometimes it is important to know when you need to quit and start looking for housing somewhere else, instead of having to cope with something that is continually irritating or frustrating.

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