9 High Calorie Lunch Meals You Should Avoid

overweight woman eating junk food Rice and steak sauce

You may think that you are eating a healthy meal, but the rice serving is three to four times what the average serving should be for the day. Steak sauce is highly addictive and tasty but contains a massive amount of sodium and cream to make the sauce extremely tasty. If you want to eat Japanese food, choose a vegetable stir fry type dish and a small amount of rice on the side.

Deep Fried anything

It does not matter what you plan to eat for lunch, the minute that it is saturated in oil and deep fried, it becomes extremely caloric and unhealthy. Avoid eating deep fried items that can become like heavy bricks in your stomach after you consume them and choose some lighter fare instead. Deep fried foods are bad for you because they can encourage plaque for form in your arteries which can lead to heart disease and put you at risk for a stroke or heart attack.


This may surprise you, but salad is not very healthy when you add dressings and toppings to it. Salads are good for you when you choose healthy oils such as olive oil and vinegar or lime juice. Avoid adding croutons, bacon bits and other toppings that can add a large amount of calories. Vegetables are very good for you, it is simply the extra items that are added tot he top of the salad as extras that can make the entire salad caloric and unhealthy.

The best lunch to choose is a light one. Skip the heavy high calorie lunches that you have been eating day in and day out. Choose instead to eat a lighter meal and get out for a walk after you finish eating to help the digestion process to begin. Your body will start to make use of the fuel that you have just consumed instead of storing it as fat. It can be surprising to learn that your favorite foods are unhealthy, but you should always inquire how a meal is prepared (fried, baked, broiled) and what kinds of oils are used to cook the food before you order it. Always be aware of what you are eating and never assume that it is low calorie unless you know what all the ingredients are.

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