7 Reasons Your Memory is Bad

common reasons your memory is bad

6. Thiamine Deficiency

Thiamine is an essential nutrient that is necessary for metabolizing food and converting it into energy. In addition, this B-vitamin is responsible for ensuring the normal functions of your nervous system. According to experts, large amounts of this vitamin is located in your brain, which maintains the production of neurotransmitters that impact your mood, memory, movement and thought. For those who receive insufficient amount of thiamine from their diet, they are likely to suffer from Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome, which is a type of neurological disorder that leads to short-term and long-term memory loss. To prevent this condition, it is important for people to receive the right amounts of thiamine, which is a maximum of 1.2 mg for adults.

7. Lack of Sleep

Sleep helps refresh your body and mind while enabling any necessary repairs of worn out cells and tissues. In addition, brain waves are created as you sleep, and these are responsible in storing memories to your brain. These brain waves also transfer memories to the prefrontal cortex, which is the section of your brain that stores long-term memories. When you lack enough sleep, memories are unable to move toward the prefrontal cortex, and this leads to forgetfulness and short-term memory loss. Thus, adults should aim to get at least 7 to 8 hours of sleep to improve their memory and prevent any deterioration of their frontal lobe that can result to cognitive decline.

Having a good memory can significantly impact your performance level. Thus, it’s only right to start enhancing your memory by avoiding these factors that can make you more forgetful and function less efficiently.

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